Sunday, February 16, 2014

A New Size

This week marks a pretty important milestone in my pregnancy and in my life. (And yes, I'm being overly dramatic. Just go with it.) I am no longer able to comfortably fit into several of my "regular" medium maternity shirts. I had to purchase large shirts to fit over this amazing belly of mine! Wow, I haven't seen this sized belly on me ever! And don't get me started on pants... Let's just say that in the past two weeks my selection of maternity pants has dwindled. I'll worry about (and shop for) that issue another day.

If you think about it, my largest baby was 6 lbs 1 oz and my smallest was 5 lbs 2 oz. That is just baby weight. Who knows how much amniotic fluid, placenta, and all of that other stuff that goes along with a baby weighs. 

At my last visit a week and a half ago, Brady and Cohen were weighing in right around the 2 lb mark each. I would bet big bucks that they are around 2 1/2 lbs each, and since they are both in their own sacks, that means there is double the amount of everything going on in there. So, me being oh so amazing at math (yeah, right!) is guessing that there is over 5 lbs of baby I'm carrying, plus all of the other goodies they come with to grow them which should equal more baby stuff around my mid section than I've ever had! Hence the need for large sized maternity shirts.

I'm really not upset by this at all. I'm feeling pretty good, other than tired, and it's not like I'm waddling around saying "get these kids out of me" or anything like that. To know that this growing belly of mine is housing, feeding, and nurturing two tiny babies is something I'm in awe over. How cool is it that my body is able to do something so amazing! 

It was fun shopping at my favorite maternity consignment store for just a few minutes to pick out some new shirts. (Honest, I was in and out in under 15 minutes!) Of course, most women would say that a new shirt or outfit or accessory does wonders to improve the mood and make you feel good about yourself. It was one of the highlights of my week to be able to get a couple of shirts that fit. And now my burgeoning belly has a bit of room to grow with my new shirts!

As I said earlier, I'm feeling really good. I do appreciate that most of the contractions I was feeling a couple of weeks ago have slowed down to just a couple every night. I can handle a few contractions, rather than a few hours of contractions every day. Much better for all involved!

I'm still getting strange cravings at random times. Last night I really wanted a filet o fish without tarter sauce and a shamrock shake. Random, right? I have no idea where that particular craving came from. I'll give you three guesses what I had for lunch today... Man, that fish was fabulous! I totally could have had three sandwiches, but I know better than that and just enjoyed one today. (Lent is coming up and I see more filet o fish in my future!)

I do feel a little bad that when I'm not craving anything, I honestly could care less about what it is I want to eat. This can be frustrating for others, like my husband, who are trying to help and I can't tell them what I want to eat. I feel like "make something, I'm sure I'll eat some of it." I'm really not caring a whole lot about food these days. (Yes, I am eating a pretty balanced diet, I just don't care what it happens to be). Here's hoping I get a few more cravings in the next couple of months to help out on the food selection process.

While I'm on the subject of food, I do have a new adversion: tomato sauce. Holy heartburn, batman! I've tried having pizza a couple of times, or some kind of pasta with a red sauce and boy, do I pay for it later! So, now I'm avoiding red sauces. No big deal for me, but just something to note. I don't think I'm going to miss it.

That's where I am this week. I've got two active kiddos inside me playing kick the can or some other activity like that right now. We are expecting a couple inches of snow this evening, so that should make tomorrow a great day to paint or color with Annalies and stay inside. Natalie has school and Shawn works during the day. Just a nice, laid back day and week ahead of me. I do have a doctor's appointment just to check things out, but I'm not anticipating any issues there. I'll post about that later.

I'm growing with little miracles!

26 weeks, 5 days

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