Wednesday, February 26, 2014

A Ticking Time-Bomb

I think if you ask any pregnant woman they will tell you that at the end of their pregnancy they feel like a ticking time-bomb. We all know the baby or babies have to come out eventually, it's just a matter of time before they decide when to come out. And us being adults have a hard time waiting for them to make the decision, as it really is their decision and not ours (for the most part.)

This pregnancy is a bit different as of the last couple of weeks. As we saw on the ultrasounds a couple of days ago, Brady must really want out as he is so low and even had his hand above his head for a time! Now it's just a matter of convincing him to stay put with his brother for a few more weeks!

With Brady being so low, he is causing some discomfort for me in my lower pelvis. Cohen was adjusting himself a lot yesterday (hopefully to a head-down position) and as I learned this past weekend, that causes discomfort as well. Cohen seems to have settled down in whatever position he is currently in so my left side is feeling better. Now, if he could just help talk his brother into a more restful, higher position we'd be great!

Since Monday when the doctor put me on bed rest, I've been following her directions and staying down. I get up to grab some food and to use the bathroom, and aside from that have been in my bed or on the couch. 

I woke up yesterday after a good night's sleep and had a good morning. Unfortunately, after lunch I developed a tummy thing where I was very nauseaus and struggled to keep food and water down. I'm a bit better this morning, with the nausea not as bad today as it was yesterday. We will see how things go as the day goes on and as I continue attempting food and water.

Yesterday, I gave myself the second steroid shot to mature the babies' lungs. It went well and barely hurt at all, I am pleased to say. My girls are amused by all of mommy's bandages right now. Monday gave me two shots and two band aids, the steroid in my fanny and the tetanus diphtheria pertussis in my arm (there is some evidence showing that  the babies get some protection if the pregnant woman gets it while still carrying the babies.) Of course, all caregivers for the babies need to have their shots current as well so they don't expose the babies to anything bad before the babies are immunized. But, that's not a conversation for me to have as the babies will be out and about with their family at that point and it will be the parent's decision. It's just a subject I feel very strongly about. :-)

With me being on bed rest for real, I've turned over my house to others. Honestly, it was easier letting go than I imagined it would be. I've got a new job now: growing healthy babies. This full-time job is more than enough to occupy me without concentrating on housework and a bunch of the day to day things. Shawn's doing a great job of taking care of me and the girls. He's picking up a lot of the slack of meals, dishes, and laundry for me. My father and mother in law come over to bring Natalie to her weekly dance class and has offered to help with other cleaning things. Our girls are doing a great job of picking up their toys when prompted. Annalies still thinks it's her job to sweep the floors and Natalie has started dusting. So, lots of help from wonderful people are keeping things running around here!

I'm praying for an easier day stomach-wise and less pressure on my pelvis today. Annalies has decided that today is a great day to watch PBS in bed with me, and I'm not objecting. I've got yogurt, cereal, applesauce, water, and sprite on my bedside table, so I'm set for the morning. (Here's hoping it all stays down today.)

Anyway, I am definitely feeling like a ticking time-bomb, not knowing when these babies are going to break free. I'm doing all I can to keep them inside, healthy, and growing, but, as everyone knows, babies often have their own agenda. Let's see if I can convince them to spend more time with me where I can help them grow to be healthy little miracles. 

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