Sunday, February 23, 2014

A Bit of Random

I don't have much to report today. After a lot of contractions and Cohen showing off his stretching ability all day yesterday, we had dinner with B & R, who are in town for another OB appointment this week. Just the way Cohen was angling himself made sitting, standing, and laying rather uncomfortable for me for a huge part of the day. Usually it's Brady who is beating up on my insides, I guess Cohen wanted to show off for his parents. Today the boys are behaving themselves much better for me. I'm able to sit without contorting myself too much today.

I told Shawn this morning that the realization that I'm pregnant but not having to prepare for a baby is setting in and rather surreal. Having been pregnant twice and going through all of the preparations to get ready for a baby it is a bit of a relief to not have to get the nursery ready, pick out small clothes, figure out how to safely cram another car seat into my car, and all of the rest that would be an issue this time around. Like I said, it is a bit of a surreal feeling. Not bad, definitely surreal. Surrogacy hitting home, I guess.

I do, of course, have some things to do to get ready for the babies' delivery. Arranging family and friends to help with possible/probable spur-of-the-moment childcare (done), writing out the girls' routine and permission slips for the aforementioned caregivers (done), packing a bag for me and Shawn for our hospital stay (pending), creating a list of people to call when I do end up going to the hospital (in process), and probably a few other things I'm just not thinking about right now. That's okay, I've got time to keep adding to my lists. I like my lists. :-)

I'm still having issues with foods. I woke up this morning really wanting cream cheese blintzes with strawberries and whipped cream. Shawn said he'd bring some home for me tonight after he's done with work. :-) I also seem to be on a fish kick, having had fish four times in the last week alone. Thankfully, fish is good for me and really good for the babies as it's loaded with DHA, so I'm surely not complaining about that one. One of the prenatal vitamins I've been prescribed has added DHA, but that particular vitamin makes me quite sick, so I've been taking a different one with not as much DHA with my OBs approval. (Finding a prenatal vitamin that doesn't make you ill is a challenge a lot of women face. I went through five different vitamins before I found one that worked with my 2nd pregnancy!) Other than the random blintzes and fish, I still could care less about foods.

I'm so relieved that Tuesday marks the start of the third trimester with week 28, and the chances of the babies' survival jumps to a whopping 80% or something like that. The survival percentage continues to increase with each passing day and week, and with the effacement scare we had a few weeks ago it is such a relief that the boys are continuing to thrive right where they are supposed to be.  

My girls are getting excited to meet the babies. They both know that we aren't taking them home with us and seem to be okay with that. Natalie has repeatedly asked if she can come to the hospital to see and hold the babies. We have been reassuring her that yes, she can see the babies after they are born, we will just ask their parents when they are ready for a visit. I know she will need that visit to give her sense of closure. Annalies, I think, just needs to see the babies outside of my tummy as that seems to be her big thing. Almost daily she lifts my shirt, looks at my expanding belly and says "yup, babies are still in there!" She then gives my tummy a pat and goes on her merry way. 

I've just realized that for someone who didn't have a lot to report today, I've managed to write a lot! I'll have more to write about later this week as we meet with my OB and have another peek at the boys. I'm curious to know how big they are and if either of them have hit the 3 lb mark! Some days I feel just huge with babies (or anytime I need to roll over in bed!), other days I think I look rather small for carrying twins. We will see how they are doing this week!

Spending time with small miracles.

27 weeks 5 days

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