Tuesday, February 18, 2014

A Good Doctor's Appointment (for a change)

Today was my weekly check-up with my OB. According to her everything looks great. She's still going to have me come in next week for a check, and we will do a growth check (ultrasound) on the boys as well. She will also check the cervix by ultrasound at that visit and make sure things are as they should be.

She does want me to continue the progesterone shots, darn it. Even though there isn't strong evidence to continue them, she wants to err on the side of caution and just do the darn things. Other than injection site pain, there really aren't negative side effect of them for me or the babies.

The babies still look great. No ultrasound today, but we were able to listen to their heartbeats. Cohen's heartbeat is 150 beats per minute. She had a bit of trouble finding Brady's heartbeat, but I told her that the little guy is really low and then she was able to find it. His heartbeat is 140 beats. Both boys are still hanging out head down and I'm praying they stay that way. We've already noticed that they definitely have minds of their own, but I'm hoping I win on this one. :-)

Everything is looking good with me. My blood pressure is still fabulous, 116/68, and my weight is good (I'm not telling what that is!) Let's just say that I've gained 17 pounds from my pre-pregnancy weight. It's a little on the light side, but the babies and I are healthy so no worries there. My belly is still measuring appropriately for twins, so everything looks good. 
Me at almost 27 weeks. (Photo by Annalies, 2.5 years) 

I've noticed that some days I overdo it a bit and then pay for it in the evening. I'm still learning how much I need to limit my activity during the day. There's so much I want to do or think I should do and then once I do it my back starts hurting or I'm exhausted by dinner time. I'm definitely not as active as I was even a month ago, but I'm also a lot bigger with babies than I was a month ago. Serves me right for doing more than just a doctor's appointment today. I can usually handle doing one or two things outside of the house a day, but once I try to do more than just a doctor's appointment, a meal at a restaurant, or a quick trip to the store I'm in for a long night. I will learn... eventually!  

Last weekend I splurged online on a couple of DVD collections and I'm so excited that they arrived today! The addition of the movies and a few books that I recently purchased for my iPhone should help me stay down more. I have started a list on Amazon of other movies I would like to get, so once I go through my new flicks, I have some others to order and hopefully they will help keep me down. 

I've still got a ton of sewing to do for my cousin's wedding, and I suppose I really should be working on that as well. It's a lot of work, but at least its hand sewing that I can do while reclining. 
             Up to my neck in turquoise tulle and wedding dresses! (Photo by Natalie, 6 yrs)

Anyway, the doctor's appointment was great, the babies are busy and very active, I'm tired and enjoying a little Judy Garland, Ray Bolger and John Hodiak as I settle down for the night. Good night, little miracles! 

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