Monday, February 3, 2014

Follow Up and Some Answers

Ah, it's so good to have some answers! Not all questions have been answered, but enough to calm me down and reassure me. Not that I was freaking out, but I've definitely been concerned.

My cervix measurement is holding stable at 1.7-2.0cm. This is good that it's stable. It is still on the short side and because of that I'll need to be monitored every week by my OB. (I've been on bed rest since the appointment on Friday, so that may have something to do with the better measurement. Friday, I left work to go to the doctor which could explain the amount of contractions and the shortened cervix.)

My OB does want me to follow up with a specialist. The specialist will make sure we are on the right track and just look me over. 

One of the things they will check is the medications I'm on. Right now I'm doing a shot of progesterone every week. My OB isn't sure if we want to continue the progesterone or switch it to a progesterone gel vaginally. Honestly, my poor thighs hurt so much from all of the injections I've had the past 7 months I'd really like to give the gel a try. The hard part is that neither the shot nor the gel have been studied in multiple pregnancies. There is basically no information about their effectiveness with twins. So, we have that to ask the specialist and see what they recommend. Whatever they think is best is what I'll do. After all, our final goal is for healthy babies to get here at the best possible time for them.

But, back to the answers that we were given today. I asked specifically what kind of restrictions Dr Wagner wants me on. Bedridden where I can only use the bathroom? Hanging out without lifting stuff? Somewhere in the middle? 

I've been told that she would like me down as much as possible. I can get up to shower, get something to eat, etc, but other than that I'm to be sitting, reclining, or laying. She said that she doesn't think I need to be flat on my back or anything like that at this point, but again, that could change with the specialist's recommendation or if we see a change at one of the weekly follow ups.

I'm rather relieved to know that I can do some things. I don't need to be treated like an invalid, but just get help with the housework, kids, and some meals. Obviously, I won't be running errands, grocery shopping, or lugging laundry baskets up and down the stairs. But to know that I can still be here for my family is huge to me. I will not have to turn all household responsibility over to Shawn at this time. To go from being a very hands on parent to one just watching the world go by is not my idea of being a good wife and mother. Not that Shawn wouldn't do a great job taking care of things, but I need to be needed by my family. (Does that even make sense?)

Friday night Shawn and I were talking about all of the "what ifs" that potentially we were looking at. What do we do about getting Natalie to dance class, who is going to grocery shop, what about continuing to potty train Annalies without having me lift her up, household chores, returning Annalies to preschool, etc. Just trying to get things sorted out as much as possible with no clear answers given to me. He asked me if he would ask a selfish question. The question was if I was going to be okay? I quickly reassured him that I am fine and that the condition of a short cervix shouldn't have any repercussions for me or my health. I'm concerned about the house and the kids, he's looking out for me. That's why I'm with this guy. We all need someone to watch out for us. :-)

The one unfortunate thing about all of this  is that there is no real answer for why this is happening. I didn't have these issues with my girls, but they were single pregnancies. You really can't compare them at all. Two babies camping out in there is so much different than just one!

I want to note that I just had a really amazing thing happen. I posted on my surrogate group's Facebook page about my appointment today and almost immediately another surro commented, asking if I would like her to come with me to my specialist appointment. How wonderful is it that I have a group of ladies who are all at different places in a surrogate experience who are willing to come along side me and support me during a time filled with so many questions! That one comment alone made me step back and appreciate this group so much. What an amazing resource to have and what amazing group of people I get to be a part of!

So, after a morning at the OB's office, I'm waiting on a phone call to tell me when my appointment with the specialist is. I'll update on the appointment once I know more. For now, we can enjoy these quick pics. I snapped one of the boys at today's appointment (don't tell the clinic!). I know they aren't the best, but they weren't really looking at the babies today. The other is a pic I grabbed of my girls last night feeling the babies move. Enjoy the small miracles!

24 weeks 6 days. Brady is on the right, Cohen is on the left.

Natalie and Annalies feeling the babies kick. 

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