Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Checking In

So, this modified bed rest thing. Yeah. So far I'd have to say that it's going pretty well. There are some days that I'm just exhausted for no good reason, but I guess that growing two humans is a good enough reason, right? 

Most days are pretty easy going. Eat breakfast, find something to wear, decide if Annalies and I are going to hang out up in my bedroom where the tv with local channels is or go down to the family room where Netflix is connected and all her toys are located. After a light lunch I put Annalies down for a nap and either watch something not involving animated characters or start a project. Natalie comes home from school and we chat, Annalies wakes up from nap, we have a snack, hang out, make dinner, and then bed for the girls. 

When not involved with my girls, I've been beading their Easter dresses and altering my cousin's wedding dress. My iBooks account is getting used pretty regularly, and I've gone through several tv series on Netflix. 

The boys appear to be thriving during all of this. I feel a pretty steady stream of movement from them and even though I'm still experiencing contractions, they are most definitely less frequent than I was prior to being off of work. 

Yesterday was Valentine's Day. I made a fun heart shaped breakfast for my family and then enjoyed a nap while Annalies watched PBS and read books. Last night was a dinner out with the family at an Italian restaurant and Cold Stone cupcakes at home for dessert. I received some nice kicks after the cupcakes, so the babies must have enjoyed the dark chocolate goodness as well. 

It's hard to believe that just six months ago I was meeting B & R for the first time. Six months ago tomorrow is when their embryos were transferred into me and Brady and Cohen made their debut into my life. And in a few short months, we will get to meet these much anticipated little people. I've been waiting to meet them for six months, but their parents have been waiting much longer. I'm looking forward to it!

And on a totally random subject change, yes, you are reading the time stamp correctly. I've been up since 3:50 when a leg cramp woke me up. After that settled, I have been unable to go back to sleep, so I've been catching up on Facebook, email, and reading a bit. (I'm amazed how Shawn is able to go back to sleep so easily after being awakened by a yelling wife next to him. Hmm...) Oh well, I'll just take a nap later. I'm allowed!

No big plans for today, that I know of. We are supposed to get more snow so the kids will probably play outside. This means some of mommy's cocoa (hot chocolate with marshmallows and whipped cream), Shawn I'm sure has a project he'd like to work on, and I'll have some laundry to fold (there's always laundry to fold, right?). Just a nice, low-key Saturday for us.

And on that note, I'm going to try to go back to sleep for a little while. Resting with small miracles. 

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