Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Getting to Know You

Today has been a busy day all around. Not "running errands" kind of busy, but more of a "let's find out what kind of meds I need to get through life" and "who are these amazing little people who have joined us" kind of busy.

On the meds front, I am amused by the differing of opinions on medication and pain management. Most of the nurses have encouraged me to stay ahead of the pain and keep up the pains meds. The nurse I had today was encouraging me to go as long as I can to try to not depend on the meds. I think I am going to listen to the other nurses and stay ahead of the pain. It's not every day that I have a body part cut open and then sewed back together. Yeah, I'll stick with the pain meds. As long as we have that figured out, I'm good. 

As for the boys, what amazing little people they are! They are so adorable and so sweet. Shawn and I went down to their room in the early afternoon. B & R were out at the time I arrived but the nurse introduced herself and invited me to come closer. I was so excited to see that Cohen no longer has the C-PAP and is on regular room air. He also was able to have his OG tube removed and just has an NG tube. He looks so good without the facial apparatus! What a little cutie! It was so amazing to see his little face looking so good. 

Sweet Cohen without the C-PAP.

The nurse finished up what she was doing and asked if I would like to hold Brady. Of course I would like to hold him! She encouraged me to sit down, gave me a pillow and a blanket, and proceeded to untangle Brady from all of his wires and tubes. She handed him to me and left me to spend some time with him. 

Getting to hold Brady for the first time. 

I've held small babies before, but I do think that Brady is the smallest baby I've held. We asked the nurse what his length is and she reported that he is a little over 17 inches long. Cohen is also a bit over 17 inches as well. (Annalies has dollies at home that are about the same size as Brady and Cohen!) Brady was very awake for a while and just looked and listened to us chatting. He settled down after a little bit, but he is a busy little guy! He is just so precious and I am so glad that I was able to hold him for a time. 

Brady making faces at us

I've got to admit that holding Brady and seeing Cohen without the C-PAP was so amazing. These events rank way up there to holding my girls for the first time and the feeling of pride and awe every parent knows. I am so glad they both are okay, and here for us all to meet. How amazing to see such miracles with your eyes! 

Brady did need to be put under the billi lights. He has a mask to wear to protect his eyes and then they turn the bright lights on to reduce any jaundice. Jaundice is pretty common with premature babies, so no worries with his newest development. 

Shawn just came back to my room after bringing some milk to the boys and he reports that this evening Cohen also was given a billi light to ward off jaundice. This development won't prevent the boys from being able to move to a family room tomorrow. This will give them a bit more of a permanent room where B & R can put some things for the boys in a location that isn't so public. Right now they are in a room/cove that has a curtain across the front to separate them from the nurse's station. This room will have a glass wall and a door that can close. Very important and helpful to give them a bit more privacy for some family time. 

Tonight, R & B brought us dinner. We had a nice picnic in my room and chatted for a couple of hours. It was great to spend time with them and just talk. I do like knowing that they will be here for a little while and I will not have to say goodbye on Thursday when I leave the hospital. I do know that they will have to go back home eventually, but I'll probably be back at work around that time and we all will be needing to find our new normal. I'll cross that bridge when we get to it. 

I've told Shawn that since I am feeling okay, if he needs/wants to go to work tomorrow, I should be okay. I will need him here with me on Thursday for my discharge, so he might as well go in while he can. I think that I might go visit the boys and B & R a few more times tomorrow. Maybe I'll deliver the milk to them myself instead of sending it with a nurse. We will see how I am doing and then I will go from there. 

It's been an exciting day with so many great developments with the boys. I look forward to seeing what fun accomplishments they cross tomorrow! What amazing little miracles they are!

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