Thursday, March 13, 2014

Happy Doctor's Appointment

Today was another OB appointment. And, yeah! We were able to see the babies again! I'll start with the babies' info.

Brady is still stinkin' low, but I knew that. The past couple of days have been slightly uncomfortable for me with just how low he is. In fact, it was slightly difficult to get his measurements for an accurate size estimate so there is a possibility that his measurements are a bit off. His heart rate is 138 beats per minute. He is measuring approximately 3 lbs 5 oz (again, he was difficult to get an accurate measurement due to his position.) He is measuring right on at 30 weeks, 2 days.

Cohen, thankfully, has finally listened to reason and is now head down. Yeah! I didn't know where he was, honestly, because he gives me those large movements several times a day. Who knows what this little guy is doing in there! He gave us lovely pics (see below) and great measurements. Cohen's heart rate is 125 beats per minute. He is measuring 3 lbs 10 oz and is measuring 31 weeks 1 day. 

After the measurements and pictures, it was time for my exam. I am looking good! I am still dilated, now at 2-3 cm, however, the cervix is feeling thicker and not thinning out like it would be should I be in labor, so that is a pretty decent combination. The doctor is optimistic with where I am and where the babies are. I keep saying that these are April babies, so we have a few more weeks for them to grow inside. We will see! 

The plan from here is that if things do progress, I would go to my regular hospital. They would be able to take the babies in their NICU since we all made it to this point. I will still be going in for weekly checks on both me and the babies. At 32 weeks we will do the Group B strep check, and again at 36 weeks (yeah, right.) With my first, she was born just a day short of 36 weeks, so I didn't have this test performed and they ended up pushing the antibiotic through my IV during labor. As I really didn't want this to happen with my second daughter, I requested the check at 35 weeks. Thankfully, I was negative for Group B at that time and didn't need the antibiotics with her (It hurts like crazy going in!)

So, all in all, a very happy doctor's appointment. Things look good for both me and the babies, which I am so very thankful. Now, to relax and let them continue to grow! Growing with little miracles. 

Cohen in 4D. Look at that sweet face!

Cohen's profile.

Brady's profile. (Its the best shot we had today!)

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