Sunday, March 16, 2014

Sleep, Sewing, and Holidays

I never would have guessed that growing two babies was such an exhausting activity! My daily nap is the only way I can somewhat feel like I can keep up with my two busy kiddos. And the funny thing is that by "keep up" I really mean "keep up mentally with the conversations, drama, and requests." 

I know part of my fatigue can be blamed on interrupted night sleep. Between multiple night time bathroom trips and our small children (or dog) needing one of us (usually mommy) during the night, I'm not getting a solid nights' sleep.

I'm still being good and staying down the vast majority of the day. Bathroom trips are frequent, small bites of food happen throughout the day, and random meals still occur (you should see some of the meals I've put together lately. I think I'm just getting points for creativity and the fact that they are filling.) On days that I'm obligated to do more, ie doctor appointment, I can really tell that the babies don't appreciate my increased activity level as they complain about it. 

I've tried to go back to my morning chai or a bit of caffeinated beverage to give me a slight boost when I'm really dragging, but what seems to happen is that the babies take all of the caffeine and sugar and just leave me with the liquid which leads me to the bathroom. The boys have quite the little party after about 15 minutes of caffeine!

All of that summed up is quite simple: I'm tired and enjoying my naps!

Other than tired, I have officially hit the place where caring for my toenails isn't happening by me. I told Shawn that I am going to splurge next month on a pedicure. I've never had one and I think that being unable to comfortably reach my toes is a great excuse to get one. I'm waiting until April for a couple of reasons: my cousin's wedding is in early April and Natalie is the flower girl. She and I might need to make a day out of having our toes done. Also, I've been predicting that the babies are going to hang out right where they are until April, so I think that would be a great reason to celebrate getting to that month. Finally, my birthday is in April and although I don't usually do much for my birthday other than a nice dinner out, I think a pedicure would be a nice way to ring in my 36th year.

With the bed rest, I am please to say that I have officially completed all of my sewing projects that I have been working on. My cousin's wedding dress has been altered, Natalie's flower girl dress has been beaded with a bazillion 2mm pearl beads and enough tulle sewn in to give her the fluff she wanted, and Annalies' Easter dress beaded to her specific specifications. 

That's what's going on with me this past week. I was pretty excited to be able to get both of the boys moving on video at different times. I quickly sent the videos on to B & R so they could see their babies moving, too. I've been trying to get them on video for a couple of months now and was thrilled to finally get them! I have a new goal now and that is to get both of them moving at the same time on video. I'm watching and waiting for this to happen, but we will see!

In honor of St Urho's Day, today's pic is with my favorite purple shirt that currently fits. What? You don't know about St Urho? Google it. It's a fairly big holiday in northern Minnesota where I'm from. People dig out the purple and the grasshoppers for today. It's kind of like St Patrick's day, without the beer. Seriously, Google it. And technically, the babies are in the land of the Finns, so they are going to celebrate with me as well. (I have no idea if the boys are Finnish, and I know I'm not Finnish, but it's something I grew up with, so they are coming along for the ride.)

And yes, tomorrow we will be in green in honor of my 1/8th Irish heritage (again, not knowing if the boys are Irish or not). Since I'm pregnant, and even more importantly, don't like beer, the most we will indulge in is a fresh batch of beer batter bread with a healthy topping of butter slathered across it. Yummy! But my kids love St Patrick's day so we will have green milk, green eggs with ham, search for some gold coins, and all get decked out in as much green as possible! After all, we don't want to get pinched for not wearing our green!

This coming week has another OB appointment with yet another BPP for the boys, there is a judiciary hearing at the Minnesota State Capitol regarding some proposed surrogacy laws that I'm hoping to attend with the aid of a wheelchair, and some more R & R. Now that my mending and sewing is done, I'm going to have to try to figure out some new reclining projects to do. Hmm, Pinterest, here I come!

Looking forward to little miracles.

30 weeks 5 days

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