Thursday, March 6, 2014

I've Got Some Explaining To Do!

Kids! Gotta love them! 

My kindergartener, Natalie, told me today that she was having trouble with one of her friends. She said that she told the friend that her mommy is pregnant but "mommy is going to give the babies to our friends." Of course the friend was confused. She said that no, if your mommy has a baby you take the baby home. Natalie responded with "no, my mommy has two babies in her tummy and when they are born they aren't coming home with us. Mommy is giving the babies to her friends." Confusion ensues.

Natalie asked me if what she said was correct, am I giving the babies to B & R? I said yes, she is correct that we aren't taking the babies home with us, but the better way to tell people is that mommy is having or carrying babies for our friends. I tried to explain that the babies aren't my babies to give. I reminded her that the doctor put B & R's babies in my tummy, so they never have been my babies, I'm just growing them. More confusion ensues. She changes the subject.

Quite a bit later, Natalie brings up the subject again. She said that she has figured it out. She'll just tell people that the doctor put our friend's babies in my tummy, and when the doctor takes them out she'll give them back. All right. Whatever works for her. (I still see confusion with her friends in her future.)

I had a good chuckle out of it, anyway. :-)

Today was my weekly OB appointment. A biophysical profile (BPP) on the babies was performed as well. What this checks is the growth and development of the babies. It checks their heartrates, breathing (yes, babies practice breathing while floating around in amniotic fluid), large muscle movements (big kicks or jabs with their arms), small movements, and the amniotic fluid level. The babies both passed with no issues (I could have told her that. These babies have been kicking the stuffing out of me!)

My OB decided to not to do an internal check today. She doesn't want to aggravate things, so we will save that fun check for next time. She was pleased with my report that Brady seems to not be as low and I've not been as uncomfortable with his position. She is continuing to keep me on bed rest as it seems to be calming things down. 

I had to laugh when she said "Shawnee, you have to get through 6 more days. The babies need you to get to 30 weeks at least." To which I replied "these are April babies. They are staying in for a while." And yes, I'm still holding on to that feeling. Brady and Cohen are April babies! 

Laughing and resting with small miracles.

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