Sunday, March 23, 2014

Staying Busy While Staying Down

I've learned an important lesson this week: there is a huge difference between staying down at home and staying down while out. 

This week, unfortunately, required me to be down while out more than the previous weeks. Specifically, I had to drive several times for some distance or sit upright for quite a while. Both situations, I've learned, are rather uncomfortable for me at this stage of the pregnancy. Yesterday's drive has put me in bed with quite a bit of back pain and Tylenol to try to relieve it. Hopefully, pain free movement will come soon as Shawn works all afternoon and I'm home alone with our girls.

As far as I know, I only have a couple of things outside of the house this week, and I will be bringing a pillow along for some back support. Lesson learned!

Brady and Cohen are still busy little guys, in spite of my awkward upright sitting. I'm blaming Brady for finding my rib and pushing on it whenever I'm sitting. Wow, is he trying to move that thing! When both boys are vying for prime foot placement under my ribs they apply so much pressure to them that the back side of my ribs ache! And I've learned that it's next to impossible to push back a foot when it's under a rib!

I'm pretty sure Cohen is still head down. He's being good, other than fighting with his brother for foot placement. :-)

Brady has been moving a lot. I'm getting jabs from his arms a lot more (they are more around the mid section of my belly, rather than up high or down low). I'm actually amused by those movements as they are more unexpected than a kick.

Last week I asked my OB about a maternity belts for some added support. She gave me a prescription for one and sent me across the hall to pick it up. I've been wearing it pretty much non-stop, except while sleeping. I do feel better with it and I feel like it's helping keep the boys from sitting so low (and hopefully stop them from causing trouble down there!) 

For this week, my plans are to keep things as quiet and easy as I am able, be glad that we are hitting the 32 week point, and lug a pillow along any time I need to leave the house. :-)

I had a nice feeling of love and support yesterday while chatting with a couple of my cousins. I was asked if I would like a baby shower. I said, no thank you, showers are to help prepare for the babies and since I have no plans to keep them, I didn't think a shower necessary. She then asked if I'd like a party to celebrate the pregnancy. Hmm, that's a bit different. I said I would love to get together with people that I love after the babies are born and we all can catch up and relax. I'm pretty sure this idea was what they all wanted to hear because the next thing I knew I was hearing about mani/pedis, mimosas, desserts, and a lot of fun! Knowing my cousins, as soon as they hear I've given birth they will start planning the party! My cousins and I are very close and I love them for the support they are giving me.

Learning with little miracles.

31 weeks 5 days 

1 comment:

  1. Shawnee - I am a friend of R&B and I just wanted to tell you how much we all enjoyed reading about the babies. It was so nice to be able to keep up with their development. I just got word the babies were born and wanted to thank you for hte WONDERFUL gift(s) that you have given. What a treasure. I hope you and your family are blessed with health and happiness all your days.
