Sunday, March 2, 2014

Heat Wave!

Yes, you read that right: I'm having a heat wave! No, I haven't moved from Minnesota and yes, it is still winter here. In fact, I just read that today is the 49th day we have reached a temp below zero this winter. Today's high is supposed to be 5, even though we are currently sitting at -2. Whatever!

I've officially hit the place in pregnancy where I am hot! The past couple of nights my wonderful husband has tried to be helpful by covering me with the bed sheet, only to have me promptly kick it off. This may not seem like a big deal to most, but as a general rule I'm usually on the chilly side of things. I practically live in sweatshirts from September through May. Not even kidding a little bit.

I know that people usually associate the heat with a lot of weight gain in pregnancy, but that's not the case with me. I have to work hard at putting weight on while pregnant. Rough problem to have, right? For me, it is a bit of a challenge. If you have been following this pregnancy, you will know that while I have had my share of nausea, I do enjoy foods. I'm not timid about indulging in a craving when they hit. I do love it when you get to eat the first bite of something you have been desperately wanting to taste. Yummy!

Okay, I guess I got a little side tracked there for a minute. Food and weight. Yeah. I'm trying to add poundage to me and the babies, and my body isn't agreeing with my decision to eat. I've started adding some higher protein convenience snacks to my diet in hopes that they will give the babies the calories and fat they need to be healthy. I also know that ladies who don't gain the appropriate amount of weight often deliver early. Since I'm already at risk for that, I'm trying to eliminate yet another risk of pre-term labor and gain appropriate weight. 

And before I get hate vibes sent to me, let me just say that when I'm not pregnant, I definitely do NOT have this issue! I normally watch what I eat and try to maintain an active lifestyle to stay as healthy as I can. I've worked hard to maintain a fairly slim and active shape over the past couple of years. (I could show you pics of me not in the best of shape, but let's not and you can just believe me).

So, why the increased perception of body temperature? There are several theories to explore:
-My body is working 24/7 to provide for two growing babies. The babies are developing, maturing, and adding the adorable fat that makes newborns so chubby and cute. They need to get the energy from somewhere and since they are currently hooked up to me as their food source it makes sense that my body is working hard to provide for them, thus creating the excessive heat.
-Increased blood supply. I don't entirely understand this one, other that by this point in a pregnancy, my body has something crazy like 50% more blood flowing to all my major organs. The big organs require more blood to function and grow a healthy baby or two, so the theory is that since more warm blood is circulating through me it is causing me to feel warmer.
-Multiple person body heat. You are outside and a bit chilly. Someone you love puts their arm around you for a hug and snuggles you. You feel warmer because of the other person's body next to yours. Same kind of concept going here. I've got two tiny people constantly giving me hugs and snuggles!

Whatever the theory, whatever the reason, I'm warm! Woo hoo! It's an entirely strange concept to embrace and I'm thankful for Brady and Cohen providing me with this little heat wave in the midst of Minnesota's chilly winter.

Heating things up with small miracles!

28 weeks 5 days

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