Thursday, January 2, 2014

Ice Packs and Facebook

I know, I know, what on earth do ice packs and Facebook have in common? And why would I be bringing them up in my blog? I'm trying to remain as real and transparent about my journey as possible so let's explore the topics, shall we?

I'll start with ice pack. Ah, yes. The ice pack. When I hit week 12 of this pregnancy I thought I was done with the dreaded ice pack and the progesterone shots. Then I visited my OB. That is when she dropped the bombshell that I would have to continue with the shots starting with week 16 until week 36 (give or take).

If you will go back to previous posts from December you will see all of the crazy drama that happened just to get the meds. Then, my girls got sick, the holidays happened, and the excitement of finding out about the boys kind of trumped blogging about the shot.

Which brings me back to the ice pack. Thursday is the night I chose as shot night. Thankfully, this time the shot is weekly, not daily. I can handle a weekly shot. And, no, it's not the same medication as I was taking the first part of the pregnancy. It's a different compound, although it's just as thick and just as much is injected into my technicolor thighs. Again, I can deal with once a week injections. 

As for Facebook, I made the decision to announce the pregnancy along with the surrogacy on Facebook. Since yesterday was New Year's Day, I thought now is as good a time as ever to let all the people in my world know what's happening. 

I posted a profile pic of me showing off my belly. Along with the pic I posted the following: "I'll jump on the New Year's announcement bandwagon, too... I'm 20 weeks pregnant with twin boys! No, our family will not be doubling. I'm a surrogate carrying the babies for another family. Stay tuned for more details!"

I've got to say that the outpouring of support from friends and some family has been absolutely fabulous. I wasn't expecting to hear from so many, honestly. Read some back posts if you wonder why I was unsure of what people's reactions were going to be. I was guessing I would get a few likes, but a few turned into 80+ and over 30 people commented with encouragement and support. I'm so glad I've got such fabulous friends!

Of course there are people who have chosen to remain silent on the topic. That's okay, too. Today, the supporters definitely were louder than the critics. That alone makes me smile. :-)

So, that is what is going on with ice packs and Facebook. I'd better get off my phone. Brady obviously doesn't like me curled up like this and has been kicking me like crazy. :-)

Keeping up with small miracles. :-)

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