Saturday, January 18, 2014

Let's Talk About Food!

Now that I'm officially done with the nasty nausea and I've learned how to keep the heartburn/reflux in check, I am enjoying many kinds of foods again. Let's review:

-ice cream. Man, I'm loving ice cream. Shawn thinks it's a little funny that I don't want anything mixed in, I'm just enjoying a scoop or two of plain ice cream. Unless I can put a...
-banana on it! I'm needing lots of bananas right now. And I like my bananas that are just turning yellow from green. Still firm with not one bit of mush on them.
-fruits of almost any kind. Sadly, I am not able to completely eat apples without having some breathing trouble (I'm allergic to raw apples and have a serious breathing response. This is often better when I'm pregnant.) I can have a slice or two, but that's about it. I'm enjoying melon, mango, oranges, grapes, blueberries... Almost any fruit! Good stuff!
-bagel sandwiches. This is an odd one, I know. Brueggers Bagels makes an amazing sandwich that I just love, the Herby Turkey. I don't know what it is about this sandwich, but oh, is it good! The thick cream cheese spread on a sun dried tomato bagel with lettuce, onions, and turkey just makes me one happy lady!
-chocolate. This one surprises me. I am normally not a chocolate person. I'm good with one truffle every once in a while. Definitely not your typical woman who needs her chocolate fix every day. Lately, I'm turning in to that woman and appreciating a bit of the confection almost every day.
-milk. Who knew? I've liked milk, but lately I've developed a LOVE for milk! After my morning chai made with milk, I have a bowl of cereal with milk in it, then a glass of milk to wash it down. I have some milk with lunch, sometimes another glass with an afternoon snack, and then again with dinner. Milk, it does three bodies good!
-hamburgers. I've always enjoyed a good chunk of meat, but I could go for a good burger almost any day now. Pile it on with ketchup, mustard, onions, and pickles all on a toasted croissant and I'm happy. Oh, the yummy grilled goodness!

I sound like I eat a lot, don't I? Honestly, I probably do eat more frequently than an average person, but I'm quickly getting to the place where I can't eat large amounts of food at any one time. So, I'm now eating a bit every couple of hours to keep Cohen and Brady fed. And really, who am I trying to kid. I'm officially eating for three and enjoying every minute of it!

The boys are doing well. They are busy little guys, moving around a lot. I've noticed that Cohen still has big movements, but Brady has been packing some big whallops in there as well! Brady is often the one to move first and for a longer period. Cohen just lets me know he's still there. He hasn't been jumping on my bladder as much these past few days, and I appreciate the reprieve.

With the growing tummy and very active boys, sleep is starting to be a bit more of a challenge. Falling asleep is definitely not an issue at all, staying asleep is. About 3:30 a.m. seems to be the boys' play time and the time I start getting uncomfortable in my bed. Unfortunately, once I'm up I'm usually up for good. It takes me a long time to get back to sleep and as my alarm usually goes off a little after 5, it's usually useless to attempt sleep. We will have to see if 3:30 stays the active hour for them or of they change to a different time.

Big changes with small miracles!

22 weeks 5 days (I think I look bigger in person!)

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