Sunday, January 5, 2014

A Bit of Rest

I've never been so thankful for a weekend than I am right now. It's been a very busy week, and even though it technically was a short week, so much happened.

Let's see... My father-in-law had surgery with an extended hospital stay (he's doing well), my little one came down with a nasty cold requiring around the clock nebs every 4 and 12 hours (two different meds), New Year's Day, B & R's gender reveal party, a Petite Nöel party at our good friend's house, and then to top off the week, last night I was awakened 6 times in 8 hours by my children (Shawn and I still have no idea why they were having sleeping issues.)

Today, I've already had one nap after brunch. Although my sleepless night has left me with a massive headache, it's Sunday and my husband works until the evening, so I'm praying for a quiet afternoon with my kiddos.

The babies have been busy. I don't think they mind the nap, either. I've been getting gentle movements from them, rather than the wallops they so often give! I love that their kicks can be felt from the outside. With a singleton pregnancy this wouldn't happen for another couple of weeks, but since they are crammed in there the kicks are a bit more pronounced. I'm glad Shawn likes feeling the babies kick, too. Several of my surrogate friends said that their husbands didn't like to feel the kicking as it wasn't their child. Shawn is just enjoying the babies for the miracles they are.

I am amused by the shape of my tummy as I'm lying here. Cohen's side of my belly is more pronounced and higher on the left side. I'm guessing that Brady is a bit more at an angle on the right. Kind of reclining over there. Hey, whatever works for them, right? They move and kick and seem to be happy in their little world. 

I'm looking forward to tomorrow for another quiet day. The governor of Minnesota has ordered all schools to close tomorrow due to extreme cold. We're talking -30 to -50 before the wind chill and with the wind at 15-20mph, this could put temps at -50 to -70 with the wind chill. Sometimes it pays to be a teacher! There aren't many jobs that give you snow days. :-)  I get to stay home with my girls and hopefully have another quiet day with them. This should give the babies and me some more rest and make up for the interrupted nights sleep. (Hey, a mom can hope, can't she?)

I've got another busy week ahead of me, with my 20 week doctor appointment, a new kiddo starting in my class, Natalie going back to school and dance class after her winter break, and I'm sure a bunch of other events I'm just not remembering right now.

Trying to rest with small miracles while I can. :-)

20 weeks 5 days

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