Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Punching Bag and Throw Pillows

It appears to me that little Cohen, all 1 pound of him, has something against my bladder. He has made it his mission to bounce, kick, hug, squeeze, tap dance, whatever on my bladder. Maybe it's just really squishy and he enjoys cuddling. Maybe it's in his way. I really don't know which it is, but I'm getting baby lovin' from Cohen's side followed by a need to use the bathroom. 

As for the throw pillows, well, that's just a matter of comfort. At this point of pregnancy at 22 weeks, I seem to need a minimum of four throw pillows in order to be relatively comfortable when resting. A couple under the head, one under the tummy, one behind my back, one supporting my knees... Hmm, I may have to invest in some more pillows! I don't know what the others in my house are going to use! 

After school yesterday, I was resting for a little while and I said "oh, the babies are moving!" My girls came up and each put a hand on my tummy so they could feel the babies, too. Natalie asked which baby she was feeling and I told her "Cohen." She said "oh" and asked her sister if she could change sides with her. I asked her why she wanted to do that and she replied "I think I like Brady more than Cohen." I inquired why and she told me that Brady sounded like Grady, and Grady is her forever friend. I guess that logic works when you are six!

Growing with small miracles.

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