Sunday, January 26, 2014

Theatre and More Nausea

Friday night was a fun night for me. Shawn and I went to the opening show of the musical Urinetown. Several friends of ours were involved with the show as actors, director, producer, choreographer, pit crew and stage manager. The show was being performed at the same theater Shawn and I met 12 years ago. It was fun to be back in the old space where we had spent so much time together and had invested so much of ourselves.

The show itself was really good. What I couldn't get over was all of the reactions from friends and acquaintances that we ran in to. We saw almost a dozen people we knew from being involved with theater and I was amazed by their reactions to seeing me. 

Yes, I have announced on Facebook to my friends that I'm a surrogate, but I'm constantly in awe of the large number of other people who know and even more, their supportive reactions keep me even more amazed. How wonderful to have people from many areas of my life care enough to give me an encouraging word!

On top all of the positive encouragement I received, Cohen seemed to really like the show as well. Wow, was that baby moving a lot during the show! When I was pregnant with Natalie, Shawn and I went to many shows and concerts. I remember her moving a lot to Brad Paisley all through his concert. Cohen's movement reminded me so much of that concert with Natalie and I appreciated the flash back. (Musical theatre, here comes Cohen!)

Honestly, Cohen was moving so much that I couldn't even tell if Brady was moving! Brady moves a lot, so it was nice to have Cohen move a lot for a change.

As for the nausea, yesterday I wasn't feeling the best so I took a good nap and rested for most of the day. Unfortunately, the nap didn't take care of the "I've been hit by a bus" feeling and just made the nausea plateau. After eating a mild dinner and going back to bed, I woke this morning to crazy nausea like I haven't experienced in a couple of months. My bed and my iBook are my Sunday companions today. 

Cohen has been laying low with me today, but I don't think Brady gets the whole "day of rest" thing. He's been kicking and moving a lot! That's okay, because my girls aren't really keeping things down for me either. I've been playing referee for a while from the comfort of my bed with the 6 pillows. :-)

I'm surviving today with my body pillow, yoga pants and sweatshirt, croissants, and Fresca. Food and beverages don't sound good at all, but I'm working on that with the help of tums and Zofran. Maybe I'll work my way up to a yogurt for dinner. :-)

The weather people are predicting another insanely cold day tomorrow with school closures being rumored (but not confirmed yet.) I could totally go for another day home to fight whatever this bug is, but we will see what happens. Anything is possible with Minnesota weather and small miracles!

23 weeks 5 days

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