Saturday, August 31, 2013

The Final Countdown

Another lovely day, albeit not as busy as yesterday. We all decided to have lunch at a wonderful Mexican restaurant in a nearby town and then browse in some shops. Relaxing, right? Right.

Lunch was amazing at Hacienda Villa in Westport, Ct (I highly recommend it!). The food was great and the company even better. We shared stories all around and just chatted away. Then, we drove to a shopping area and walked around looking at shops. We had a lot of fun gaping at insane prices and talking. Then, it was back to the hotel for some rest before dinner in the hotel's dining room.

After spending time with B & R the one thing that has been hitting me is how comfortable I am with everything. Shouldn't I be a little bit nervous about the transfer? I did address my concerns with B & R tonight about possible negative tests and they quickly put my mind at ease. They are realistic about the odds and recognize this isn't an exact science. Obviously, we all hope that this transfer will result in a positive pregnancy and a healthy baby, but that's not guaranteed. They are okay with these facts and are willing to try again, should the need arise.

To be honest, that is exactly what I needed to hear. I know at the beginning of this round with B & R I was pretty guarded. After what happened with my last couple I've been pretty cautious. When I met B & R on Thursday, I felt a lot better about things, and after tonight's conversation I am so ready to do whatever it takes to help them with their miracle. T-13 hours until we are introduced to a miracle!

Our timeline for the week.

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