Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Final Check


I had a final lining check this morning at the U of M. Honestly, I have been a nervous wreck over this one! What if after all of the pills, tablets, and shots my body just wasn't responding to the meds and my lining wasn't as thick as they needed it to be? I have been trying some of the suggestions that other surrogates have given me to help thicken my lining, just to be on the safe side. I had trouble sleeping last night and was awake long before I needed to be. I know that worrying won't help anything and try not to worry, but wasn't succeeding very well at remaining peaceful, much to my chagrin.

Back to this morning...

I hopped up on the table and the ultrasound tech did her thing while I patiently waited her to tell me the measurements. After several measurements I couldn't stand it any longer so I asked her where my lining was. Her response "its between a 7 and an 8." YES! Dr D needs it above 7mm, so between a 7 and 8 is a good thing! Woo hoo! (Yes, I actually cheered while on the table with the wand up my... TMI, right?)

Once I left the clinic, I immediately sent an email off to my IP's and received a response right away. They are happy the lining is at a good number and are getting really excited about the next two weeks. I also called my hubby and shared with him the good news, so we all are glad that is taken care of.

Happy, peaceful and ready to be a part of a miracle!

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