Thursday, August 29, 2013

Travel and a Wonderful Meeting

I finally got to meet B & R and they are wonderful! Absolutely wonderful... I'm so glad they chose me to help them have a family!

To recap our day, we got up at 4 am to get ready for our day. A quick shot in the leg later and we were on our way to the airport for our 7am flight. Two and a half hours (and 49 oz of liquids!) later we arrived at New York's JFK. 

After we picked up our rental car we started driving toward Connecticut. As it was getting close to lunch, we stopped in a "random" town, Rye, NY. What a lovely town! After checking out a couple of restaurants, we chose a little French bistro and enjoyed baguette sandwiches.

Back in the car, we drove toward our hotel and enjoyed the scenery. It was nice to visit with my hubby and spend some time with him as we traveled.

Our glitch for the trip (hopefully!) happened when we arrived at the hotel. My reservation was in place, but the hotel was not paid for. I quickly called the Agency and talked with someone who helped me out. Ten minutes later, the Agency's credit card was faxed over and my room was secured. 

I text B & R and let them know we had arrived and waited to hear back as we checked out our room. They asked to meet us in the lobby at 6 for dinner.

I've been nervous about meeting B & R. What if they don't like me? What if we don't hit it off? What if... 

My fears all vanished soon after meeting them. They are so friendly, down to earth, and just nice! Yeah! I am so glad they chose me to help them!

We enjoyed a nice dinner at a nearby restaurant. The food was good but the conversation even better. From my perspective we all clicked well. I'm very happy with how things went!

They are very concerned with how things are for me. They asked how I was handling the shots and if the transfer would be painful for me. I was honest with them, but know this is part of what I signed up for when I agreed to be a gestational surrogate for them. I hope they don't feel too bad about any discomfort I may be experiencing. 

They also told me that we/they should hear from the Clinic tomorrow morning by 11. The Clinic will tell us if the transfer will happen tomorrow, Saturday, or Sunday. Odds are that it will happen Sunday. We will see! It's "hurry up and wait" for a miracle! Good night!

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