Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Two Months and a New Audience

Happy two months, Brady and Cohen! I actually started this post on the 24th when they turned 2 months, but with the craziness of life, I'm just getting to it now. Ah well. That's life!
Photo curtesy of Rodney and Brad. Look at those adorable chubby cheeks and baby rolls!

Rodney was in Minnesota a little over a week ago and brought all the frozen milk I had back home for the babies. Since then, with the aid of the supplements and whatever else I'm doing, I'm pumping around 56ish ounces a day. My freezer is getting full again! Yes! 

Even with this pretty decent supply and pumping régime, I have fallen victim to the dreaded clogged milk duct. Ouch! In case you haven't had this interesting experience, it basically feels like a painful bruise in the tissue. Remedies for this include pumping more often, heat compresses to the site, gentle massage while pumping, and making sure the ducts are fully drained with each pumping. Easy, right? Yeah... Just one more thing to add to this crazy life!

Why is life so crazy for me right now, you ask? Well, last week my director at work decided that I would be better used at our newly acquired site, Central Baptist Child Development Center, soon to be renamed SonShine Central. This new school has been in existence for 60 years, however, due to poor choices of their previous director, our organization was asked to take over the school. Hence, the need to get some of our teachers who know the way SonShine operates in to the new center and my new trek to the 'hood.

With learning a new, huge location, students, and staff, it's been so interesting to me to get to know the new area. I've told my coworkers about past ages I've taught and that I'm just back from maternity leave as of two weeks ago. Since they know nothing about me, the whole "delivered twins two months ago" has been a bit of a surprise to many.

I'm still choosing to pump in my car, as it just easier for set up and privacy. Another teacher saw me enter the building after pumping. I was carrying my small cooler with the fresh milk to put in the fridge and she asked if that was my lunch. Nope, not mine, but lunch for the babies! 
My milk transport system, aka milk cooler.

I think most of the Central staff doesn't really know what to think of me. What kind of lady transfers to a new school in the inner city from the 'burbs? And throw in the whole "gave away" two babies and I must be a total lunatic! Like I said, I think I'm regarded as an odd entity to most. I can deal with that. My husband and a coworker said this sounds like a made-for-tv Lifetime movie! "...after delivering twins for a childless couple, the middle class Caucasian woman goes in to an inner city school to help turn it around by using organization, paint, tough love, and stickers." Grab your Kleenex and stay tuned!

Well, until Lifetime, TLC, or Hallmark call me for movie rights to my story, I'll stick to blogging and sharing my story to interested individuals. And what a wonderful story I have to share about two amazing miracles!

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