Sunday, May 18, 2014

A Quick Visit

Friday morning Rodney and I were texting back and forth and he mentioned that he needed to come up here this weekend. So, Saturday afternoon, the girls and I picked him up from the airport and spent some time with him. I had two very excited little girls! 

The girls love going to the park, so we drove to one of their favorites, "Chutes and Ladders" for some play time. As we were walking toward the play area, Natalie was already trying to talk Rodney into climbing the structure with her. Thankfully, this park allows and encourages adult participation, and Rodney was game, so off and up the two of them went! 

After a couple of hours of play, we all went to the MOA for dinner. Shawn was working and he was able to take his lunch break while we were there. We all enjoyed a good visit over dinner. 

It was so nice to see Rodney. Annalies said that she hasn't seen Rodney in "a very long time!" I reminded both of them that actually, Rodney, Brad and the babies have been gone for less than two weeks. (Natalie didn't believe me.) But, I agree, it does feel like it has been a very long time! 

I did tease that the reason Rodney wanted to make the trip was so he could get a night of uninterrupted sleep without having to wake every couple of hours to feed Brady or Cohen. :-) I remember being a new parent and not getting much sleep. I can totally relate to thinking I would give almost anything for just 8 hours in a row of sleep! (actually, I was saying that just a few months ago. Between getting up for the bathroom or one of my kids needing something, 8 hours was a far away dream!)

Before Rodney began the drive home, he stopped over to our house for another quick visit. I was able to send with him two coolers full of frozen milk. I think the 1200 ounces, give or take, will tide them over for a little while. If not, well, there's more where all of that came from! 

Milk production is still going well. I've been pumping around 64 oz a day right now, but I was encouraged to add a supplement to my diet to attempt to increase that a bit. Last week I started with a tea three times a day, this week I was to add fenugreek supplements to my diet. So, they were started today. I'm amused by these little capsules. According to various literature, the side effects of this particular supplement are "maple syrup smelling." You read that right, I may start smelling like maple syrup. Of all the side effects in the world, I think I can deal with smelling like maple syrup! I did warn Rodney about this particular side effect. It is possible that the babies might smell like maple syrup as well. So other than not wanting pancakes for a while, I'm not seeing much of a downside to this supplement! Since I've only had a couple of doses of the fenugreek, I'm not seeing a change in my production yet. I'm going to be watching over the next week or so to see if anything changes. 

It was so very nice to have a visit with Rodney. I was definitely able to deal with today's goodbye much better than the last time they left the state. Yeah, last time was really not pretty...  

Shawn and I are trying to work out the logistics of a possible trip at the end of July/early August. Hopefully things will work out for Shawn to be able to go to his conference and then we would spend a few days with their family after he's done geeking out. If not, I will find some other way to go visit. :-) 

Today, we sent Rodney on his way with lots of hugs and instructions to give Brad and the boys hugs, too. Just thinking about the wonderful, small miracles he has waiting for him back home makes me smile. 

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