Sunday, June 1, 2014

Supplements, and Teas, and Capsules-Oh My!

I received a box in the mail yesterday. Remember how much I love getting packages in the mail? It's like Christmas, baby! Even though I was the one who ordered the items in the box, it's still the excitement of actually receiving the box that makes me happy. 

My girls crowded around as I opened the box. "What did mommy get? Toys? Clothes? A new purse?" Nope! I received a box filled with Mother's Milk Tea, fenugreek seed capsules, and blessed thistle capsules. Were they as excited as I was? No, not at all. They had fun smelling the items (fenugreek=good, blessed thistle=nasty!)
My breakfast teas of cold chai and hot mother's milk to wash down my crazy pills. Prenatal vitamin (as long as I'm pumping I'm supposed to take it), Zyrtec, BCP, my first of three daily doses of two blessed thistle caps, and my first of four daily doses of three fenugreek caps.

I feel like the supplements and tea have helped my body get to the production level it currently is producing (right around  60oz a day). I definitely don't think they've lived up to the hype of "doubling" a women's supply. If I had a low supply, I think I would have stopped pumping when Brady and Cohen moved back home. According to Rodney, I'm pretty much on track with where the boys are right now, maybe a bit ahead. 

I've had a pretty cool development in the past couple days. An acquaintance from years past contacted me to learn more about surrogacy. As this is a favorite subject of mine, of course I'm willing to talk with them! Also, another friend is just starting to explore the infertility route and all there is to offer medically. She's been asking me a bunch of questions regarding surrogacy as well. 

I'm so glad I'm able to help others out, not just Brad and Rodney with a healthy twin pregnancy and their two boys, but the acquaintance by sharing my story and my friend to walk through infertility treatments along side of her. I love being able to help others any way I can, so if I'm carrying a baby, being a support to another, or informing people of an option, I count it all as a good thing. It is all just to be a part of someone's miracle.

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