Monday, February 18, 2013

A Few Good Things

This past weekend I was at a women's retreat with some ladies from my church. On Friday night as part of the introductions we were asked to say the best thing that happened during the week and the worst. I happened to be last one to talk.

I said that the best thing from the week was the amazing love and support my friends, coworkers, and husband are to me, and the worst was a miscarriage where I needed my friends, coworkers, and husband to support me.

Later, people would ask about the miscarriage and I was able to tell them that I'm a surrogate for another couple. I was amazed at the number of women who sought me out to take about infertility, surrogacy, and everything in between. Wow, have a lot of women been affected by infertility! I heard stories about years of testing, medications, injections and failures just to find out there was no explanation for their infertility. I talked with one woman who is five months pregnant after going through three years of fertility treatments. I talked with women who chose to adopt due to unexplained infertility. I was amazed...

I have always believed that bad things happen for a reason. Maybe this has happened to me so I can be a support or even an example to others... Maybe we might see a miracle out of all of this.

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