Sunday, June 29, 2014

A Wonderful Visit

Finally! Friday night I hopped a flight for a visit with the babies and their daddies.

Now that's more like it! 

Brady and Cohen are doing great! They've changed so much and gotten so much bigger since I saw them last. They've filled out and are much stronger, as they should be. They've been a lot of fun to snuggle and play with during my visit.

Of course, I'm also checking in with Brad and Rodney. Not having had twins of my own, I'm curious to see how they are adjusting to their new life. (Checking in, not checking on.)

From all appearances, they are doing great as well. Slightly more sleep deprived than a parent of a single newborn, but handling it very well. Isn't it nice to know that this is just for a short time and not how they have to adjust to life forever? :-)

It's been fun catching up with them and hearing about life with the boys. Of course big changes have happened in their lives in the past three months, but these changes have been good. They are doing a great job of keeping the boys on a schedule (of which I've been told is a must when you have twins ) and the boys are thriving so nicely in their loving care. 

I noticed right away that Rodney's accent is back. It's no longer slightly tinted with Minnesota. Brad, on the other hand... I'm amused to note that after hanging around me for just a day or so, some of the speech patterns he picked up while in Minnesota are back! Or maybe they never left. Hmm. :-)

Brady is still a busy boy. He likes to be moving or have action around him. He's very inquisitive and is always looking around. He makes you work for a big smile, but once you get one it lights up his whole face! 

Cohen is such a little snuggler! He is still a mild mannered little guy. He gives great smiles and giggles that go all the way to his toes! He's giving the guys a run for their money when it comes to bed time. Good thing there are willing arms to snuggle with him so he can sleep. 

The boys really loved to be held, which is great with so many loving grandparents wanting to be involved and help! There is no shortage of caring arms to snuggle them! I was able to visit with several of the grandparents on my trip. It was nice to see them as well.

I've never met a baby who likes to play on the floor as much as Brady and Cohen. They were on their play mat for a long time on both their tummies and backs and just having so much fun!

I told the guys that I don't know how they get anything done with the boys at home. They are such snugly, cuddly babies who curl up so nicely in your arms or on your chest. It would be hard to put them down! They are a real joy to be around.

That pretty much wraps up my trip to see them. Lots of chatting, lots of snuggles, lots of fun was had on my long weekend. Shawn and I are planning a visit late next month on our way to a conference for Shawn, so until then I'll enjoy pics of these amazing miracles! 

Hanging out on their play mat. They were amused by the strange person above the mat snapping pics! 
Chillaxing with Cohen.
Classic Brady with his tongue going!
Brady is ready to go!
Cohen ready for the restaurant.

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