Thursday, July 4, 2013

Connecticut Adventure, Part 1

Tuesday morning, I boarded a flight to New York, via Chicago. Once I landed in New York, I then got into a car and drove to Connecticut (rush hour!!!). After a long day of travel, I finally arrived at my beautiful hotel for the night. Check in and then it was time to find some food!

The desk clerk recommended that I try a restaurant about 10 minutes away... Yummy! Good stuff (even though their "receipt" is to circle your chosen items on their menu, writing in the tax and circling the total on the bottom. Whatever works for them!) The fun part was on the way back my gps app didn't have one important turn, so I got to go on a fun adventure as I drove on back roads to find my way back. Oh, and it was raining, too. I'm not a big fan of driving at night in the rain, but I am proud to say that I made it back just fine. Go me!

This morning, I enjoyed lounging around the hotel and taking my time getting ready for my appointment. I then proceeded to get lost on my way to find breakfast... Again. I did manage to find a Panera not too far from the clinic, so I enjoyed in one of my extravagant loves-their mango smoothie. Yummy! Anyway, after breakfast, I drove to the clinic and met the clinic staff.

I met with the doctor who will be managing the transfer and monitoring all of the stuff that goes into that. He seems nice enough and I really liked his staff. I had blood taken, a sample given, and then experienced a histogram. All I'm going to say is that was five minutes of pain that my poor uterus experienced, OUCH! The doctor looked at everything and said that things look good. We just need to wait to get the results of my blood work back for the all clear.

After the exam and all of the above mentioned stuff happened, I met with a nurse who went over the next couple of steps... Here they are for you (and for me to remember all that she said!)

- blood work comes back sometime next Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday. Once they all come back,
- they order my meds. I will be on several of the same as last time with a few others thrown in. Progesterone shots, estrogen pills, lupron shots, aspirin, prednisone, and an antibiotic the week before. I think that's everything!
- we are hoping for an egg retrieval and transfer the week of August 26th, should all go well. She said that we are pushing things a bit right now, but they will get things going as soon as they can.

So, aside from the crazy directions, lack of road signs, and painful exam, everything was pretty easy and went well! I'm currently in the airport waiting for my flights home (LGA to Milwaukee to MSP) and looking forward to coming back in 7 weeks and meeting the next miracle!

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