Sunday, July 21, 2013

A Human Pincushion, the Early Days

Friday was the first day of my new medication protocol. I am thankful that I slowly start the medications, rather than having to start taking all of them at the same time. I think it helps my body ease into the meds.

I started a DHA supplement (holy freaking huge gel-cap, batman!) and at 4 p.m. I drew up what will be the first of many injections.

I didn't have any of the first shot jitters like I experienced with my last transfer, just the feeling of "I am going to stab myself in the stomach! Holy cow!" which I quickly brushed aside. After all, this wasn't my first time of self injecting. (But, seriously, who willingly volunteers to puncture themselves with a freaking needle twice a day? Apparently surrogates do! Who knew?)

I digress...

I am one of the lucky individuals who experiences minimal side effects from this injected medication (Lupron). The main side effect I experience is extreme thirst. I do mean extreme. My last time being on this med I would drink between 200-300 oz of water a day. I didn't want other beverages, just ice cold water. The feeling of my entire body being parched is what I experience. There wasn't enough lotion or strong enough lotion for me anywhere. This thirst has started manifesting with me in the past 24 hours. I'm not quite up to 200 oz yet, but I have had a lot to drink today!

I am so thankful I'm not experiencing some of the extreme reactions to this medication that others have. My dad was on this medication as part of his cancer treatments and it was a torturous experience for him. I was fearing a similar reaction, but thankfully have not had that experience. I didn't even tell my family the name of this medication until after I was done with it out of concern for their emotional reaction. I know his reaction was an extreme reaction that was very rare, but the thoughts were there as I administered this drug the first time.

Anyway, from what I've been hearing, most surrogates have side effects leaning more toward inconvenient, such as mood swings, hot flashes, moodiness, etc. I am so very thankful to not be experiencing any of these, either. (My husband is happy, too!) Lucky, blessed, whatever you want to call it, I'm just downright thankful.

I've been on the drugs for three days, my water intake is on the rise, my thirst is on the rise, and my excitement is building with every poke. 

Getting ready for B & R's miracle!

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