Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Subject to Change...

Wow, having a baby for someone else sure has a bazillion steps before the actual pregnancy happens! I had no idea! Here's the latest...

I received an email from the agency stating that my surrogate coordinator has handed me off to the program coordinator (I'll refer to her as PC from now on) for the duration. No problem there.  I really like my surrogate coordinator but totally understand the need for the hand off. I received a call tonight from the agency and was able to chat with PC for a bit. She seems really great, very knowledgeable about everything. She sounds like the kind of person you would want to coordinate your medical stuff. Confident and reassuring.

Anyway, I have been informed that Shawn and I will need to undergo infectious disease testing next week (M & A have to do the same testing, too). Totally reasonable request, if you ask me. Of course I agreed to that with no problems.

PC and I chatted about what will be happening for the next little while. Here's the unofficial rundown (from what I remember from my phone call):
-Infectious Disease testing next week for me and my hubby (and M & A)
-PC will be keeping tabs on my cycle for the next couple months and reporting to the doctor to coordinate with the egg retrieval (not my eggs!). Is this TMI, yet? Just wait... :-)
-Once the clinic/doctor has our cycles down they will figure out a medication protocol for both of us and get us started on the drugs.
-I've been told that I will probably be starting medication in December. We are shooting for a January (or February, if needed) transfer. **Holy cow, I just realized that if this transfer takes and I get preggo right away then Baby would be due October (or November) of next year! Oi! That's less than one year from now! Wow!**

It is so nice to have an idea of when things MAY happen. I know that all of these dates are tentative, totally subject to change due to a number of factors, but it is at least good to have something on the horizon. This is really happening! There are miracles within sight!

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