Sunday, November 18, 2012


Let's see... the last thing I posted was something about getting help with the OBD and meeting with our attorney. I'll pick it up from there.

Our attorney chatted with us and went line by line over the OBD. A bit over two hours later, she had a couple pages of notes of changes she saw and a few questions from us that needed clarification of wording. I wish I could post a few of the more abserd lines, but there is a clause in the OBD that states I can't share the content of the document. Let's just say that I had a good laugh over a couple of the lines and a "duh" over others. :-)

Anyway, the changes were emailed and sent to us to get our okay, then emailed and sent to the agency and M & A for their response. Most of the requests were okayed and a few were compromised. Nothing too big and definitely nothing that was a deal breaker. Anyway, some more back and forth emails later and I was finally given the final OBD to sign and have notarized. In triplicate. With one whole page handwritten by me. And each page initialed by both me and Shawn. In triplicate. (Yes, I had a hand cramp when I was finally done!)

The copies were then delightfully priority mailed to the agency and M & A for their signing and I started getting fun emails again. :-) Let's talk about those now.

Email #1: I was given the contact info for my program coordinator. I believe she is going to be the person who will get the meds to me and get my cycle where it should be, and a bunch of other medical stuff needed for this all to take place. Once the agency gets the OBD and everyone's signatures then all of the medical stuff starts to happen (I guess).

Email #2: I was given the contact info for M & A. Woo Hoo! Of course, me being me, I shot them a quick little note letting them know I am still on board and excited to get their miracles started. It was so nice to have that contact with them and to get their response that they are still here and ready to go, too. Big sigh of relief! I hadn't talked with them since we had lunch a couple of months ago and was curious to know they hadn't changed their mind or were frustrated with the whole process or me and the changes I requested with the OBD... they are still excited to get things going, but of course are a little nervous about this and will feel better once I actually am pregnant. I can understand this and hope and pray everything will happen fast and well for their sake.

Anyway, I hope to hear from the agency and/or M & A this week and find out where we go from here. Let's get these miracles started!

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