Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Finally! An update worth waiting for...

Yes! Finally, I have something noteworthy to write about. Last Friday, I had a conference call with a wonderful couple, A & M. They were everything I have been looking for in a set of parents! We agreed on all of the "big" issues, i.e. selective reduction, termination, etc. They were wonderful!

After the phone call, I called my husband, Shawn, and greeted him with "I found our parents!" I then gave him a recap of my phone call. He also agreed that they sound perfect for us. So, even though my agency coordinator recommended that I take the weekend to think about it, I shot off a very short "I want to work with them!" email. And then I waited for A & M to decide if they want me...

All day yesterday I checked my email waiting for the "Yes!" email to come... and it never came. *sigh*

So, today, I emailed the agency to see if they have heard anything from A & M either way. Shortly, I received the email... they said yes! I'm matched! I'm so excited!

They asked if my family would be willing to meet them for lunch or dinner this weekend so we can get to know each other more. Hopefully, this will work out for all. I can't wait to meet them and get their miracles on the way!

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