Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Notaries, Contracts, and Tornados

At last the big envelope arrived... The contracts are here! Last night I spent a chunk of time signing, initialing, and handwriting a page of stuff. I asked Shawn if he would initial the stuff he needs to initial and meet me at the bank to have the whole mess notarized. Tomorrow, I'll mail the contents back to the agency and we will be on our way!

As for the Tornado part of the subject line, the parents I'm working with are close to the area that was hit by tornados yesterday. Once I realized where the tornados were, I quickly emailed B & R to make sure they were safe and okay. I received a response letting me know that yes, they are okay. Schwoo! Glad to know they are safe!

Now that contracts are done and B & R are safe I wait for the medical part of this miracle.

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