Thursday, June 20, 2013

A Plan and Travel Arrangements

This past week I've been an email crazed lady! Starting last Saturday, the nurse from the clinic and I exchanged about a dozen email just getting an appointment for the screening on the books. July 3rd is the day of the screening, which means that I will fly out on the 2nd and back late on the 3rd. The cool thing is that I will be flying into LaGuardia and driving out to Bridgeport. (I really love to explore new places!) Hopefully, I can have dinner with a friend while I'm out there. We will see!

After all of the email with the clinic, I exchanged a bunch of email with the Agency to get travel arranged. Thankfully, I love to travel and can't wait to start this adventure! I'm not stressing about the screening (I've heard parts can be rather uncomfortable) and just looking at it as a time to learn more about what the clinic has planned for me. 

After I come back from the screening I've been told that we will get the results back in about a week, then the clinic will figure out my medication protocol and get me started on that. Should all go well, we will shoot for a late August/early September transfer, all dependent on the egg donor's cycle.

The steps to a miracle are many!

Monday, June 3, 2013

The Ducks are Starting to Line Up...

Now that the agency has the contracts, they are in communication with the Clinic to get things going on their end. This Clinic is a bit different from my last experience, for one, its here in the states (can you tell I'm a bit excited to go to CT?). Another difference is that they have me fly out there for a day to get screened by them, rather than order tests here and send all results to them. I'm okay with this as I will be a bit more familiar with the clinic when the transfer time comes. As I've not been screened by a fertility clinic before, I'm not sure what to expect, but I'm not concerned. 

I've been asking my surrogate friends about the clinic, screening and their experiences there as I like to be prepared. I know that everyone has different experiences and way of looking at things, but I was so thankful the other surrogates had kind of given me a head's up about some of the things they experienced while in Toronto. I wasn't too shocked or freaked by anything and, looking back, I could see how I could have been had I not known a few things. (Read past blog entries if you aren't sure what I'm talking about.) So far I haven't heard much about CT, but I'm sure that will change as I get closer to travel.

Speaking of travel, I've been told that someone from the Clinic will be contacting me soon to get things scheduled. Things should be happening in the next month or two! Woo hoo!

Let's get this miracle started!