Friday, March 15, 2013

Medical Red Tape

Apparently, I am a complex person, medically speaking. At least my pregnancies are. There seems to be quite a bit of medical red-tape to work through to get the go-ahead.

The clinic that is working with the potential parents isn't convinced by my doctor's note that I can safely carry another baby(ies). They requested all medical notes from my first pregnancy so, my wonderful OB/Gyn clinic received a call from me requesting that info. Hopefully, once it's faxed to the clinic we will get an all-clear. Once that happens we will have our getting-to-know-you phone call and get this miracle started!

Friday, March 1, 2013


I'm still waiting to see if the phone call will happen. Apparently, the IP's clinic isn't sure they want to take a chance on someone who has had two previous early babies. Both my girls were born around the 36 week mark and the aren't sure I should carry for them with this history. I have reassured them that my OB is very okay with me carrying another child and is even okay with multiples.

So, where we are is that I am waiting until Monday so I can call my OB and have them write a letter letting them know that it's okay for me to carry another. If the IP's clinic is okay with everything then the agency will set up the phone call and we will go from there.

There's a lot that goes into a miracle!