Sunday, October 21, 2012

Help with the OBD...

On Thursday, Shawn and I met with our attorney to go over each line of the OBD. Over two hours and a ton of discussion later, our attorney has a list of minor changes and revisions. Mostly, they are changes to the wording to protect me in case... well, in case anything goes bad. She said that she will have the changes sent to our agency and to us sometime Monday (tomorrow).

Then, I talked with the agency and let them we had the meeting so they will be looking for the changes. The changes can then go to M & A and we can get this ball rolling! Well, I guess we have a little back and forth to do before we get a signed document and THEN we can get this ball rolling. Gotta love legal stuff, right? All for a miracle or two...

Thursday, October 4, 2012


I have been wondering what is happening on the IP's (Intended Parents) an agency's end as I have had nothing going on. Well, wonder no more! I was emailed the Official Big Document of a contract nature. HOLY COW, is that a crazy thing! Basically, it covers almost any thing, circumstance, scenario, whatever that could possibly happen during an undertaking of this nature.

Next, I have been given a list of attorneys in the area who do this sort of thing and have been instructed to contact them for review of the OBD. That is the fun I have for tomorrow afternoon. Well, once Shawn and I have a couple of minutes (more like an hour or two each) to read it, then we will send it on to the lucky attorney.

The long and the short of it is that once we get the signed OBD, then things really will start... medications, doctor's visits, check ups, and hopefully, a miracle or two. Stay tuned!